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Voice Your Truth

Invites You

To Our First Speaking Engagement

Book Signing, Silent Auction

& Fundraising Event


Hosted by: Jeanette Heasley

December 1st, 2023


Dinner and a Book Signing

DECEMBER 1, 2023

Yorba Linda, CA


Must RSVP no later than November 14, 2023 to secure your spot.

Thanks for submitting!

If you are unable to attend, please consider donating. This event is to bring awareness to our Non-Profit Voice Your Truth Ministries whose specific purpose is to guide individuals towards a deeper connection with God through sharing our personal stories to individuals who have experienced various forms of abuse and trauma. The help we provide depends on the individual we are helping and their specific needs, whether it is assisting with paying for a career vocation, education, rent, food, or living expenses. Many individuals who have gone through abuse, trauma or tragedy, just need someone to believe in them and a little help to get the motivation they need to move forward in life. Our main goal is to encourage victims of abuse to speak out about their story instead of keeping secrets that are extremely harmful to them. We do this through helping individuals to write and publish their personal stories so they can experience the healing and empowerment that I have experienced through telling my story.

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